Turner Engineering Key Steps to Rebuild an Engine

This sequence is intended to answer one of the most commonly asked questions:

What do you actually do to the engine to rebuild it?

After dismantling, all parts are thoroughly cleaned and inspected. We use two BUPI cabinet washing machines for chemical cleaning. Both use bio degradable aqueous solutions to clean components after dismantling and more importantly after machining and prior to painting.

A Hodge Clemco bead blasting machine is used for components that require more intense cleaning than the cabinet washers can provide. Such as corroded engine covers, carbonised cylinder heads etc.

Parts cleaning machine
Engine parts in the cleaning machine
Machine shop - Turner Engineering

Engine Components in BUPI Washing Machine Basket

Large and smaller engine components (in baskets) after initial cleaning. A this stage, any damaged or scrap components can be rejected. Cleaned parts such as cylinder blocks and crankshafts are subject to non-destructive testing processes (crack and pressure test). Parts such as gaskets, core plugs, pistons, seals, bearings etc have been disposed of by this stage.

A Key Place to Reconditioned Engines: the Machine Shop

Components subject to machining operations such as cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, crankshafts, connecting rods, rockers etc travel through the machine shop under the control of our quality assurance system.

It is an essential stage to our reconditioning process, ensuring that any TD5, 300TDi or Land Rover engine meet the highest quality requirements.

Cylinder blocks CNC machining

4 Cylinder Block Casting - Cleaning

v8 block casting remanufacturing process

V8 Block Casting Remanufacturing Process

The CNC Machining is the Most Accurate Process Available

The machine is a Mazak AJV 25/405N CNC jig borer. This machine was purchased new in the early 90's with a view to improve accuracy in machining and reducing time cycles on complex machining operations and is a vital part in our engine production.

Mazatrol m-32 machine - Engine reconditioning

Machining Centre Mazatrol M-32 Display

Some 30 programs are contained within the memory of the machining centre. Covering all metal cutting operations associated with cylinder bores, liners, cylinder head, block face, conrod and rocker bushes.
Conrod being measured - Turner Engineering

Renishaw Probing

Determining the exact position of where machining operations take place is established with the use of renishaw probing.
This picture shows a connecting rod being measured.
Each part of the reconditioning process described here is fundamental to ensure parts quality. Nothing is left to chance which guarantees that our re-manufacturing process is one of the best in the market.
Accurate Measurement of Finished Work is Vital for the Reliability of the Re-Manufactured Engine
Turner Engineering - Engine rebuild
Engine rebuild process
Here a bore gauge is used for measuring connecting rod big ends after machining.
All vital measuring equipment used for final inspection is regularly calibrated in accordance with ISO 9001.

To Rebuild our Engines, we Use the AMC1200U Crankshaft Grinder

Offset grinding of crankshafts is the preferred method. This is the same process as used in original manufacture and produces the best accuracy and surface finishes.
Main bearing petrol journal

Reground Three Main Bearing Petrol Journal

This is a key step of our engine rebuild process. Note the blended oil gallery and radius. This is the finished article, ready for assembly with the same surface finish and life expectancy as a new component.
Turner Engineering provide a full range of main bearings suitable for Land Rover Series 2/2a/111, Defender, Discovery and Range Rover engines. So if you need any, you know you can get these online.
AMC H260A vertical honing machine

AMC H260A Vertical Honing Machine

After boring, cylinders require honing to size to provide the correct running clearances specified by the piston manufacturers.
We use a Sunnen Ck3000 honing head. This machine is generally used for our four and five cylinder engines.
Every step of this process is described so far is a key one to rebuild an engine.
Thanks to this re-manufacturing process, we ensure product quality and provide customer satisfaction.
Sunnen C3000 honing head

A Close Up of the Sunnen CK3000 Honing Head

The correct surface finish is essential to ensure maximum performance, life expectancy and minimal oil consumption. This is how we get the most performant Land Rover engines.
Note the cross hatch markings on the cylinder wall.
The images below show you the Sunnen SV210 CNC vertical honing machine that we use to rebuild engines.
Installed summer 2006, the machine is fully automated to work to extremely fine limits and has allowed increased production in line with increased demand for V8 engines.
Sunnen SV210 vertical honing machine

This CNC Honing Machine is currently Dedicated to our V8 Engine Block Production

Sunnen SV210 CNC machine

Close up of the two stage diamond honing machine.

sunnen vertical honing machine

Close up of the control system. This control system allows the shape and size of the cylinder bore to be monitored as the cylinder is being honed.

Sunnen C100 horizontal line honing machine

Sunnen C100A Horizontal Line Honing Machine

This process covers the often ignored area of main bearing size, roundness and alignment, ensuring the life expectancy and smooth runing of a new engine.
300tdi finished cylinder head block

300TDi Cylinder Block - Finished

The finished article ready for assembly, fully machined and painted.
During remanufacture the cylinder block has undergone the following processes: clean, crack test, fit new core plugs, inspect threads, pressure test.
Fit new camshaft bearings and line reamL Line hone main bearing housings. Rebore / reline / hone cylinders, skim decl of block. 
Wash, flush oil, galleries and paint.
Turner Engineering cylinder heads - remanufacture

The Cylinder Head Department

Fully equipped to produce cylinder heads.
The Serdi 50 is used to produce counter bores for valve seat inserts, three angled valve seats and valve guide reaming. All reconditioned heads come from this department.
On this picture, you can see a row of cylinder heads on the bench, awaiting machining.
Serdi 50 machine - engine rebuild

We have supplied some of 10 000+ cylinder heads for exchange and our re-manufactured engine program.

Serdi 50 in Action Cutting a Valve Seat with Three Angled Seat Cutter

Engine rebuild - how to proceed
This picture illustrates the three angled seat cutting produced by our Serdi seat cutting system.
This system properly replicates the original seat specification essential for good performance and life expectancy.
With these re-manufactured parts, we guarantee our rebuilt engine performance.
On the right: a new 200TDi Diesel exhaust valve next to a newly cut valve seat.
The valve seating is checked with Engineers Blue to ensure a perfect seal and rechecked with a vacuum test to ensure reliable compression will be achieved.
re-manufactured Petrol cylinder head

A 2.25 Petrol Cylinder Head Assembled with New Valves and Springs

The finished article, one of the several thousand lead free cylinder heads produced since unleaded fuel was introduced in 1986.
One of our best selling products amongst our range of Land Rover 2.25 Petrol Engine Parts.
Cylinder head - remanufacture
Close-up of the combustion area of a 2.25 lead free cylinder head illustrating the standard of workmanship and new valbes used in the remanufacturing process.
Petrol & Diesel remanufacture cylinder heads

A selection of Petrol and Diesle cylinder heads, ready for service.

200TDi reconditioned engine - Turner Engineering
Putting the finishing touches to a 200TDi engine (right picture).
We stock the full range of 200TDi parts so you can order online if you need any.
If you've this far, you have now seen evidence of heavy ongoing investment and commitment to quality throughout the production process.
We provide not just GOOD or AVERAGE quality, but THE BEST quality products on the market today at competitive prices.
All our engines are remanufactured in accordance with BS AU 257:2002 Code of Practice to guarantee quality and long term reliability.
None of the products illustrated are new and have all been re-manufactured in our workshop, with the exception of valves. Turner Engineering is a Land Rover and Range Rover specialist with more than 40 years of experience in rebuilding engines.

Thanks for your Interest in Turner Engineering!